Abel van Erkel

Movie title design

As a designer, I have always been captivated by the art of storytelling, and I believe that movie titles play a crucial role in setting the tone for the story that follows. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of working with some of the most talented filmmakers in the industry, and I have had the opportunity to create titles for a diverse range of films. I am constantly exploring new (analog) techniques and technologies to push the boundaries of movie title design and to create titles that are unique, memorable, and thought-provoking.


Title Design

Human Playground


Motion title design for the Netflix documentary series: Human Playground.  This docuseries explores the origins and evolution of play across the globe, from age-old rituals to billion-dollar businesses.

Narrated by Idris Elba
Produced by Scenery

Human Playground
Human Playground
Human Playground

The mess we make (2022) — Movie title design

Paradise Drifters (2019) — Movie title design

Gouden kalf logos

Koen Aandachtsjunk (2023) — Title Design

Amazon Prime logo

Max Verstappen (2023) — Viaplay

Viaplay Logo

Sihame (2022) — Serie Title Design

Videoland logo

The Bitcoin Family — Serie Title Design

Amazon Prime logo

Title Design



Eleven-year-old Lu is living in a foster home when her long-lost mother Karina shows up unexpectedly and takes her on a wild road trip in a beat-up sports car – all the way to her grandma in Poland. Lu soon finds out it’s all or nothing with Karina when she gets pulled into a Bonnie and Clyde-like fantasy.

Directed by: Zara Dwinger
Produced by: Studio Ruba

KIDDO (2023), Roadmovie 90’ min
Berlinale Generation K-Plus 2023


Clients — Streaming platforms

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